The love of gardening is a seed once sown that never dies.
Gertrude Jekyll
When we opened the boxes to assemble the hives we realized that the company shipped the wrong size boxes. We did not have time to have them ship more so my handy hubby went to work cutting boxes down in a hurry.
Hence, the non-centered handles on the boxes... The sun was setting and he did not want to risk another night in the package by dovetailing both sides.
The ladies managed to survive the ordeal and are already bringing in pollen and nectar. I uncapped the queen cage today and noticed that they are building comb quickly.
My new Russian/New World Carniolan hybrid queen was inside this little cage for her safety. The bees and queen met just before shipping so they need a few more days to get acquainted before she is released into the hive. I removed that small pink cap today and under it lies a hard white rock candy substance the bees will eat through to release her. If all goes well, by the time the bees reach the new queen, they have become acclimated to her scent and accept her as their new queen. I shared new garden photos on my other blog HERE for the Country Garden Showcase this week.
Please link up and share what YOU have been working on in YOUR garden this week.
That is exciting to get your new hive! Can't wait to follow along!